Modular and lightweight
JavaScript micro framework for the browser

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An Essential application is built with modules called behaviors

Every behavior describes a specific functionality of your application

You can nest behaviors, initialize behaviors inside others, and share logic between them. They are designed to be fast and testable entities.

The box on the rigth is an example of a behavior in action

Page = {};

Page.TabbedContainer = Essential.Behavior.extend({
  init: function() {
    // Called on initialization

  events: {
    "click .tab-header": "switchTab"

  switchTab: function(e) {
    // this.el => domElement

<div behavior="tabbed-container">
    <li class="tab-header" data-content="js">
    <li class="tab-header" data-content="html">
  <div class="tab-content active" data-name="js">
    <!-- Tab content here -->
  <div class="tab-content" data-name="html">
    <!-- Tab content here -->


Once you have defined your behaviors there are two ways to attach a behavior to a DOM element:

- Define a data-behavior attribute for the element with the associated behavior, Essential will automatically start a new behavior with the element accesible through the el property.

- Instantiate a behavior manually with the new method, passing the DOM element to be attached as argument.

App.MyBehavior = Essential.Behavior.extend();

// start all the attached behaviors via data-attributes

// or call the new method
var domElement = document.getElementById("find-me");;
<div id="find-me" data-behavior="my-behavior"></div>


You can define behaviors based on other behaviors with the extend method

App.StandardCarousel = Essential.Behavior.extend({
  events: {
    "click .arrow" : "changeSlide"

App.CoolCarousel = App.StandardCarousel.extend({
  <ul behavior="cool-carousel">
    <li><img src="/assets/image1"></li>
    <li><img src="/assets/image2"></li>
    <li><img src="/assets/image3"></li>
    <li><img src="/assets/image4"></li>
    <li><img src="/assets/image5"></li>


Due to the module-oriented nature of essential, it's really easy to write tests.

This example uses mocha, but you can use any test framework you like.

describe("CoolCarousel", function() {
    this.domElement = __html__["cool_carousel.html"];

  it("....", function(){;


Behaviors can share information and communicate among themselves through the DOM Event interface

App.Editor = Essential.Behavior.extend({
  events: {
    "keyup": "emitChangedContent"

  emitChangedContent: function() {
    var customEvent = new CustomEvent("editor:changed", {
      "detail": {
        content: this.el.innerHTML

    // or this.el.dispatchEvent(customEvent);